Wilson Oding

Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding


Wilson Oding is a painter, writer and poet born in the floody planes of Kano Settlement scheme in Nyanza Kenya and later moved to Rusinga Island of Lake Victoria. He is an activist who photographs and writes about environmental conservation, education and youth leadership. He got recognized for his radical poem on plastic revolution called 'Wake Earth' in 2021 after the poem featured in the website of the FlipFlopi Project. Wilson attained his bachelor's degree in Linguistics, Media and Communication from Moi University in 2022 where he was an active journalist in the student press, The Third Eye and The Communicator. Upon graduation, he volunteered his services at Kithoka Amani Children's Home as a way of full filling his desire to belong to a family and escape solitude. His femtor (mentor) during this time was Prof. Karambu Ringera who introduced him to a scholarship program that helped him resume his university studies after dropping out for three years. He is passionate about education and is currently weaving communities to co-create and coelevate by radically reimagining transformed systems in education as YxY activist.

Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding
Wilson Oding

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