Social Media Manager

Manuela Maudet Ceron

Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron


Manuela Maudet Ceron is, foremost, an artist who views art and storytelling as powerful tools for effecting change locally and globally. Serving as the social media manager at YouthxYouth, she shares the remarkable journey and evolution of this vibrant community. With roots in Brazil and now residing in Portugal, she endeavors to showcase the beauty and warmth of Latin America to a broader audience.

Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron
Manuela Maudet Ceron

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We are a non-profit, non-governmental organization, registered as a 501(c)3 in the U.S.A. All our funds go directly into organizing, facilitating and supporting our youth education activists. Donate today to sponsor youth-led transformation of education.
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